Ealaín na Gaeltachta Teo. offers three annual funding schemes – Scéim na bhFéilte (Festivals Scheme), Scéim Cothú (Funding Core Projects/Venues), Scéim Forbartha na nEalaíon (Arts Development Projects) Scéim Neartú (Ongoing classes for young people in the traditional arts and drama) and Scéim Treisiú (Arts Development Projects for young people).
Scéim Síol, which offers seed funding and support for smaller-scale initiatives, is open for applications year round and Scéim Oiliúna. Information on all of the schemes is available from the Arts Facilitators or Cuisle Team.
We also offer advice and support for the arts practitioners and the public and we welcome any queries in regard to the arts in the Gaeltacht. You can contact us here.
How to acknowledge our support
How to acknowledge our support
It is a condition of our funding that public acknowledgement is made of the support of Údarás na Gaeltachta (Údarás) and the Arts Council via Ealaín na Gaeltacht (Ealaín) for the project. If this is not done at every stage of the project, to the satisfaction of the funders, it will be necessary to withhold a percentage of the grant.