Ealaín na Gaeltachta seeks consultancy services to support us in developing our arts development strategy 2023-2028, to review our 2018-2022 strategy and to audit our various systems and make recommendations on how best develop them in service of our new strategy.
Time schedule
This work needs to be completed by the end of July 2022.
The maximum amount available for this work is € 30,000 plus VAT, inclusive of costs.
Candidates are advised to note the following:
• Payments will be subject to PSWT as appropriate.
• Payments will be made on an invoice basis, on an agreed schedule.
• The appointee will require professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
How to apply
We welcome applications for the above work through eTenders only, by 29 October 2021 which should include the following:
• An up-to-date CV
• Details of relevant experience
• A recommended approach, which demonstrates an understanding of the work and the work and context of Ealaín na Gaeltachta’s work
• Budget breakdown / use of fee
• Suggested timelines
Any questions or queries can be directed to ealain@udaras.ie before 27 October 2021.
This work is funded by Ealain na Gaeltachta Teo. with support from Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Arts Council, with additional support from the Arts Council’s Capacity Development Support Scheme.